Life Is A Magnificent Trip.

Successful DiscoverSomedayCapableHopefulRelaxCalm

Wondrous things begin to happen the moment you look in the mirror and become honest with yourself.

The moment you decide to do the things that you love and enjoy is the moment life slows down, the world in your head becomes uncluttered. You begin to seize each moment and stop merely looking forward to the end of the week, special events and times off. Doing the things that you love make you ride the waves that life brings you, with the feeling of contentment and happiness.

It’s genuine, if you know what I mean, you can feel it coming through a hole in the air. You begin to walk fluidly and gratefully with the warmth of the sand between your toes. There is great power in doing the things that you love because a veil is lifted and you finally feel like a human being.

I’m sentimental, if you know what I mean, I love every person I encounter, but sometimes, I just can’t stand the scene of watching them doing the things that don’t make them smile. Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it….”

Life is a magnificent trip.

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28 thoughts on “Life Is A Magnificent Trip.

  1. “Wondrous things begin to happen the moment you look in the mirror and become honest with yourself.”I absolutely agree with this! Each and every wonderful journey thru life begins with that realization.
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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